10 Most Beautiful Fishes In The World

Regal Blue Tangs
Regal Blue Tangs

Fishes can be seen throughout the world that lives in every type of water. As of now, 32,000 types of fishes are known and all of them are cold-blooded that means their body temperature is same as the environment where they live. Fishes are vertebrates that mean they have backbones similar to humans and all the species has fins and gills to help them swim and breathe. Here is the list of 10 most beautiful fishes seen throughout the world in water such as lakes, oceans, rivers, ponds, streams, or even in a tank.

Most Beautiful Fishes

1.Discus Fish

Discus Fish is a type of cichlid and is also popular as the “King of the Aquarium Fish.”Talking about the appearance, it comes with a beautiful pattern on their bodies that includes wavy lines and nine horizontal stripes. The fish species is available in a variety of vivid colors, howvever, most of them are seen in green, blue, and brown colors. These colour will glow brighter when fish has intense emotions such as fear. It has been originated from the Amazon basin of South America. The unique part is the tiny mouth that depicts as if they are posing.It prefers to thrive in a range of 80 to 86 degrees and the pH level of the water should be 5 to 7.

Discus Fish
Discus Fish

Image Source: Wee Sen Goh


Mandarinfish is the most beautiful fish in the world because of its colourful body that gives a glimpse of ornate looking fish mostly seen in the Indo-Pacific. It is also known as the Mandarin Dragonet, Mandarin Goby, Green Mandarin fish, Striped Mandarin fish and the Psychedelic fish. It can reach upto 3 inches in length and best known for its reproduction mating “dance” that mostly occurs during sunset hours where females will form a group together and see a male mate. They are also very picky eaters and loves to feed on small worms, protozoans, and small crustaceans. The best-known predator of Mandarinfish is Mandarinfish Scorpionfish but the biggest threats to mandarin fish from humans for the fish tank industry where they are heavily priced.


Image Source: Francois Libert

3.Flame Angelfish

Flame Angelfish is the most popular species of dwarf angelfish that can be identified by a bright orange with vertical black stripes highlighting the body. The horizontal black stripes are also beautiful that comes with caudal portions of the blue-tipped dorsal and anal fins. It is also known as Flaming Angelfish and Japanese Pygmy Angelfish mostly seen in the Pacific Ocean and west of Hawaii. The best part is that they can eat virtually any food and also one of the most difficult to breed in the aquarium and hence known as hermaphroditic. It can grow upto 4 inches and feeds on marine algae, high-quality angelfish preparations, mysid or frozen shrimp, and other high-quality meaty items.

Flame Angelfish
Flame Angelfish

Image Source: Francois Libert

4.Moorish Idols

Moorish Idols is one of the beautiful fishes in the world classified as a type of butterflyfish. It is also known as Monish idols or morish idols is a unique coral reef fishes that belong to the fish family Zanclidae. It can grow upto a length of 23 cm and it is named against the Moorish community of Africa. Talking about the appearance, It comes in a combination of boldly coloured white, yellow, and black vertical bars along with their disk-like bodies. The species is widely distributed in the regions of the Indo-Pacific, including southern Japan, Micronesia, Hawaii, the Ducie Islands, and East Africa. It loves to feed on sponges, tunicates, and other invertebrates and algae in the benthic zone which is a seafloor.

Moorish Idols
Moorish Idols

Image Source: Matt Kieffer


Parrotfish is a social fish that is seen in the group of 40 individuals that belongs to the family Scaridae. Talking about the appearance, It has heavy bodies along with large scales and they are visible in regions of tropical waters throughout the world. It is also available in a variety of colors but that depends on the sex, status, or maturity. As of now, 90 species of parrotfishes are known to humans and they have a unique hook-shaped beak and hence it is named Parrotfish. They are one of the reasons for coral reefs life because they used to eat seaweed and other pests. It can grow upto 1.2 m (4 ft) in length and weigh around 100 pounds.


Image Source: Wikimedia

6.Regal Blue Tangs

Regal Blue Tangs are small fishes that are seen in the Indo-Pacific waters. They can easily be identified by the vibrant colouration of royal blue and canary yellow and hence listed as one of the beautiful fishes in the world. It is also known as palette surgeonfish or a blue tang and it became popular after tehy movie Finding Nemo in which it is featured as a character. The species is not good for aquarium because it is very prone to infections and diseases. It can grow upto 12 to 25 cm in length and wieght approximately 600.0 gm. It used to feed on marine plants and detritus prefers tropical & subtropical marine coastal waters. Scientifically known as, Perciformes, it is the largest vertebrate order with 148 families containing roughly 9,300 species.

Regal Blue Tangs
Regal Blue Tangs

Image Source: Nathan Rupert

7.Banggai Cardinalfish

Banggai Cardinalfish is a small marine bony fish and it is native to the Banggai Archipelago in Indonesia. The avarage lifespan of 2.5 to 3 years, however, the maximum life span of up to 5 years. The tropical cardinalfish belongs to the family Apogonidae and it is the only member of its genus. It is one of the most popular aquariums fishes that can grow upto 8cm in length and it is one of the few marine fishes to have been bred regularly in captivity. It comes with elongated fins with striking patterning on the body.

Banggai Cardinalfish
Banggai Cardinalfish

Image Source: Wikimedia


Clownfish known for their distinctive traits are their orange bodies with three white bands with a black outline around the fins. One of the beautiful fishes in the world can reach upto 11cm long on average. As of now, 28 different species of Clownfish are known and all of them are omnivores that means they can eat both plants and animals. It feeds on algae, zooplankton and even small crustaceans. Clownfish has the ability to change their sex where a born male can change into a female. This generally happens when the dominant female dies then majorly males will turn into females. It is mostly seen in the coral reefs off the coast of Australia and South Asia. Find out more about clownfish on BestFishKeeping.  

Also Read: 16 Transparent Animals In The World


Image Source: Wikipedia

9.Dwarf Gourami

Dwarf Gourami is a peaceful fish commonly known as flame gourami or powder blue gourami or red gourami or sunset gourami that can grow upto 2 inches and have an avarage lifespan of 4 years. It is also known as labyrinth fish that means they can breathe directly from air with the help of a labyrinth organ and need to have access to the water’s surface. Scientifically known as Trichogaster Iulius and it belongs to the family Belontiidae and mostly seen in the waters of India, West Bengal, Assam, and Bangladesh. The fish species is Omnivore that mainly feeds on algae and prefers a pH of 6.0 to 7.5. It is well suited to the smaller aquariums as well as community aquariums.

Dwarf Gourami
Dwarf Gourami

Image Source: Wikimedia

10.Blueface Angelfish

Blueface Angelfish commonly known as Blueface Angelfish, Yellowface Angelfish and belived to have originated in the waters of Blueface Angelfish and Yellowface Angelfish. The beautiful tropical fish comes with a blue face and also known as Yellowmask Angelfish. It can be easily identified by a colour pattern and has a blue reticulated pattern close to the head and a yellow ‘mask’ over the eyes. The species is widely distributed in Eastern Indian and Western Pacific Oceans. The face of the species is brighter than the rest of the body and they are prone to stress as compared to other fishes of the same size.

Blueface Angelfish
Blueface Angelfish

Image Source: Wikimedia

These are the 10 most beautiful fishes in the world. Kindly share and do post your comments.