Birds are some of the most amazing and beautiful creations of nature. As of now, around 10,000 species of birds can be seen in the world right from frozen expanses of Antarctica to the humid rainforests of South America and all the other climate that occur in nature. Humans lives are always touched by birds and we all wish to fly like birds. Birds occur in different colour patterns, Here is the list of black birds with blue head,
Black Birds With Blue Head
1.Purple Sunbird
Purple Sunbird can be easily identified with a metallic blue and purple overall with maroon feathers on the breast. The non-breeding male species come with blackish upperparts and yellow underparts along with a blue-black band running down the throat and chest. This is the primary reason it is one of the beautiful black birds with blue head. Female species are somewhat different and they can be identified by Purple-rumped Sunbirds by their yellow throat. Both males and females primarily feed on nectar but they have been also seen eating insects. Male purple sunbird used to attract a female by fluttering their wings while singing.
The bird belongs to the sunbird family and mostly seen in the regions of South and Southeast Asia but extending west into parts of the Arabian peninsula. The name of the bird comes from is male species because they require a mettalic purple shade under soft sunlight and in harsh sunlight, it appears to be completely black, however, the actual is a combination of the grossed and blue feathers. The bird breeds throughout the year except in freezing weeks from December to mid-January. The sounds produced by the purple sunbird is humming zit-zit and chwin-chwin but they are not very loud.
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Image Source: Wikimedia
2.Common grackle
Common grackle is also one of the amazing black birds with blue head that belongs to the family Icteridae and order Passeriformes. The bird species prefer certain regions to thrive such as wet, open woodland and marshes as well as in suburbs, parks, and agricultural fields. The best way to identify the bird is to keep a watch on large flocks of blackbirds and starlings where the tallest and the longest -tailed blackbirds will most likely be the Common Grackles. It preys on invertebrates, mice. small fish, pick leeches off the legs of turtles, steal worms from American Robins, raid nests, and kill and eat adult birds.
During winters, it has been seen flying with different bird species in large flocks of mostly blackbirds and the numbers can be in millions. The oldest recorded Common Grackle was a male back in 23 years old when it was killed by a raptor in Minnesota. It was first identified by Carl Linnaeus in 1758 and as of now three subspecies are known listed as Florida grackle, purple grackle and the bronzed grackle. It used to grow 28 to 34 cm in length with a wingspan of 36 to 46 cm. The weight will be around 74 to 142 g. It prefers its nest in dense trees usually near water resources.
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Image Source: Wikimedia
Rook bird is a member of the Corvidae in the passerine order of birds. It is mostly seen in the Palearctic regions of Scandinavia and western Europe to eastern Siberia. Talking about the appearance, they are a large black-feathered bird and they can be distinguished from similar species with the help of a whitish featherless area on the face. Rook prefers its nest from the tops of tall trees near the farm and villages. The nest of the bird species is known as rookeries. It is a resident bird that is seen in groups mostly in winter.
One of the beautiful black birds with blue head rook name has been given by the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus in 1758 in his Systema Naturae. It is a fairly large bird that can grow upto 44 to 46 cm in length and weighs approximately 280 to 340 g. The total wingspan of the species is around 81 to 99 cm. The black feathers of the bird can show blue or bluish-purple sheen in bright sunlight and the feathers on the head, neck and shoulders are particularly dense and silky. It loves to feed on predominantly earthworms and insect larvae, however, it also eats beetles, spiders, millipedes, slugs, snails, small mammals, small birds, their eggs and young.
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Starlings are small to medium-sized passerine birds that belong to the family Sturnidae. As of now, 114 species of starlings are known and the most popular is Sternus vulgaris commonly known as the common starling. The avarage lifespan of the species is 2 to 12 years that depend on the species. The bird species is naturally native to Europe, Asia and Africa, however, they are also seen in regions of northern Australia and the islands of the tropical Pacific. All starlings have strong feet and they are very gregarious means social. It used to prepare its nest in holes and has blue or white eggs. The total clutch has four or five eggs which take 12 days to incubate.
It can form quicker large flocks known as murmurations that move in synchrony in order to avoid predators. The roosts are very large and it can be upto 1.5 million birds mostly seen in city centres, woodlands and reedbeds. The diets of the starlings are mainly fruits and insects. These species are very important for dispersers of seeds in continents Asia and Africa. The chicks develop their feathers after 21 days.
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5.Purple Martin
The purple martin is a beautiful and common bird mostly seen in North America. Talking about the appearance, they have blackish-blue feathers and in sunlight, it gives them a appearance of a bright blue to navy blue or deep purple appearance. It prefers breeding from central Alberta down through the eastern United States. They are migratory passerines that make a brief stop in the Yucatán Peninsula or Cuba during pre-breeding migration to North America and even during the post-breeding migration.
The bird is popular for its speed, agility and even flight pattern. As soon as they will about to reach their nesting site, they used to dive from the sky at great speeds with their wings tucked. It can grow upto 20 cm in length with a wingspan of 38 cm. They are also the largest amongst the 90 species in the family Hirundinidae. It weighs around 45-60 g and migrates to the Amazon basin in winter. It was first identified in Europe in Lewis, Scotland in 2004 and the second was in the Azores on 6 September 2004.
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Image Source: Wikimedia
These are the beautiful black birds with blue head. Kindly share and do post your comments.