Birds can be seen on all continents of the world. Almost, all birds have two legs and two wings but some of them cannot fly including the penguin and ostrich. Birds also differ based on their wing type, shape, colour, size and list goes on. Birds are usually made up of feathers and hollow bones with lower wieght and that will directly help them in flying. Depending on the colour pattern of the birds, here is the list of beautiful yellow and black birds in the world,
Yellow And Black Birds
1.Common Blackbird
Common Blackbird is a songbird that belongs to the family of thrushes and belived to have originated from Eurasia. As of now, 13 subspecies of blackbirds are known that can be seen across the world. The bird species loves to thrive in forests, beaches, marshes and mountains. There are instances where they are also seen in suburban and urban areas, especially in parks, gardens, orchards and vineyards. It can grow upto 9.2 to 11.4 inches in length and weighs approximately 2.8 to 4.4 ounces of weight. The diet is based on insects, worms, slugs, seed, fruit and berries. Male and female bird species can be differentiated by the colour of the plumage. The avarage lifespan of the bird species is 16 to 20 years in the wild, but they rarely live more than 2.5 years.
Also Read: Top 5 Most Popular Black Birds With Blue Head

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2.Yellow-headed blackbird
Yellow-Headed Blackbird is one of the beautiful yellow and blackbirds were seen in Western North America especially in regions of the prairie. It can grow upto 8 to 12 inches long and its diet includes insects and seeds. Talking about the appearance, the head and chest are yellow in colour and the feet, legs, eyes and beak are black. A white strike can be seen on the wings which can be identified when the bird is in flight. The female species is quite different from males where the body is brown along with a yellow chest.It prefers to stay or thrive in cattail marshes, croplands and shoreland vegetation. The natural predators of Yellow-headed blackbird are Marsh Wren and seen attaching blackbird’s eggs and young.
Also Read: 16 Largest Birds Of Prey On Planet Earth

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3.American Goldfinch
American Goldfinch is also one of the yellow and black birds mostly seen in the edges of many forests and plains preferably considered as one of the birds from Iowa. The range of bird species also includes Saskatchewan, Quebec and southwest Newfoundland. It can grow upto 11 to 14 cm in length along with a wingspan of 19 to 22 cm. The varage wieght of the species is 11 and 20 g. One of the most types of yellow birds in the world come in amazing colouration. Males appear in yellow with black forehead and wings, however, females, are dull yellow below and olive above with two distinct wing bars. They are social birds seen in large flocks while feeding and migrating. The natural predators of the species include snakes, weasels, squirrels, and blue jays.
Also Read: Top 10 Beautiful Orange And Black Birds

4.New World oriole
New World oriole belongs to the blackbird family and not at all related to the Old World orioles of the family Oriolidae. Talking about the appearance, Males species are black and vibrant yellow or orange with white markings, howvever, females are duller in colour. It also comes with long tails and a pointed bill. The diet includes insects but also seen enjoying nectar and fruit. The name “oriole” was first coming by Albertus Magnus in about 1250 because he stated bird species to be onomatopoeic. The nest of the bird is in a woven and elongated pouch where it will prefer nesting in areas with cold winters.
Also Read: 16 Amazing Desert Birds In The World

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5.Hooded Oriole
The hooded Oriole is an amazing bird seen in the regions of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico, however, some of them also seen in the far southeast as the Yucatan Peninsula and Belize. Talking about the appearance, adult species has a pointed bill, long tails, and white on their wings. The head is orange with a black face and throat. The female one comes with olive-green on the upperparts and yellowish on the breast and belly. The diest includes insects such as ants, beetles, grasshoppers, larvae, and caterpillars. The nest is built in a tree and contains two eggs.
Also Read: Top 10 Small Brown Birds In The World

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6.European goldfinch
The European goldfinch is a small bird that belongs to the finch family which is native to Europe, North Africa, and western Asia. Both male and female species are approximately similar and come in red face, black and white head along with warm brown upperparts and white underparts. The patches on the breast and buff flanks can be seen on the body. The varage lifespan of the bird species is 10 years. It can grow upto 12 to 13 cm in length along with a wingspan of 21 to 25 cm. Scientifically known as Carduelis carduelis that has been derived from the Latin for a thistle, Carduus. They have been also seen in medieval paintings of the Madonna and Child which is a symbol of fertility and resurrection. It has been 100 years now when European goldfinch has been introduced successfully to both Australia and New Zealand.

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7.Lesser Goldfinch
Lesser Goldfinch is an American songbird that belongs to the genus Spinus sensu stricto. It was first described by the American zoologist Thomas Say in 1822 under the binomial name Fringilla psaltria.The bird species are common in California and Texas, however, a small population can be seen throughout the rest of its U.S. range. While feeding, the lesser Goldfinch used to get mix in with other birds such as Lawrence’s and American Goldfinches, Pine Siskins, House Finches, Lark Sparrows, White-crowned Sparrows, and even Western Bluebirds. The oldest known lesser Goldfinch is a male and it was 7 years old where it was recaptured and rereleased during banding operations in California in 2015.

8.Evening Grosbeak
Evening Grosbeak is one of the popular yellow and black bird that belongs to the family of Finches. It prefers to thrive in trees and shrubs, however, occasionally on the ground itself. The diest includes seeds of box elder, ash, maple, locust, and other trees. It has also seen feeding on buds of deciduous trees, berries, small fruits, weed seeds. It is mostly seen in North America and can grow upto a length of 12 to 14 in length. Both males and females vary in wieght where males weighed from 38.7 to 86.1 g, howvever, females with a 43.2 to 73.5 g.

9.Western Tanager
Western Tanagers a medium size bird species that prefers its nests on branches as high as 75 feet. They are mostly seen in the regions of Canada’s Northwest Territories, where it’s so cold that they may stay only two months before heading south. The plumage and vocalizations are very similar to the birds of the cardinal family. It was firstly described by American ornithologist Alexander Wilson in 1811 under the binomial name Tanagra ludoviciana. It can grow upto 6.3 to 7.5 in length with a wingspan of 11.5 in. The avarage wieght of the species is 24 to 36 g and they have been seen migrating alone or in groups of up to 30 birds. The diet includes fruits, insects, raspberries, mulberries and cultivated cherries. The natural predators include northern goshawks, Mexican spotted owls, sharp-shinned hawks and Cooper’s hawks.

10.Scott’s Oriole
One of the popular yellow and black birds, Scott’s oriole is a medium size bird species that belong to the family Icteridae. It has the same family of birds blackbirds, meadowlarks, cowbirds, grackles, and the New World orioles. It is seen mostly seen in the regions of the Southwestern United States and south to Baja California Sur and central Mexico. The bird species is most common in Sacramento and south in California. It was first described by Darius N. Couch in honour of General Winfield Scott, howvever, later it was found that it was initially discovered by Bonaparte and hence the common name was retained.

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These are the beautiful yellow and black birds in the world. Kindly share and do post your comments.