Instagram marketing strategies can make or break your business, depending on how you implement them. Sometimes you think it’s simple as publishing content and using popular hashtags. But sometimes, you’ll see you need more hard work to make it work. Instagram is a powerful tool to reach out to the audience worldwide. You can choose your favorite type of content because now, this social media network supports photos, videos, reels, and Insta stories.
Instagram is also known for the influencers who promote products and goods in exchange for money or some material benefit. Others use their popularity to raise awareness on different social issues, and there are those who are focused on a specific niche and use Instagram as their visual blog platform.
Nonetheless, gaining organic Instagram followers is a contentious issue. Sometimes a small investment in services like Famoid is required to ensure that you have genuine and active followers. Don’t use bot services because we all know it’s just a number and has no effect on reach. Try to be as genuine as possible, and you will undoubtedly establish an online authority and attract a genuine audience.
And if you need additional tips, these are the best of them:
1. Optimize your profile

This first means that you need to switch from a standard to a business profile. This gives you access to a variety of settings and insights, for easier control of your strategy. Do research on the industry and try to assess which keywords suit your business.
Also, establish at least one branded hashtag so you can build an online identity around it. And of course, don’t forget to save your story posts in highlights, because that way your followers find their favorite content more easily.
2. Do not immediately use paid marketing tools
There are hundreds of platforms where you can launch an Instagram campaign and pay an enviable amount of money for it. And you can also use the free tools that Instagram has. We’re not saying they work perfectly, but they give you an initial picture of your audience’s interests, and what kind of posts they like the most.
Of course, you need to analyze multiple posts over a period of time and assess what really works. Sometimes we all want to get good results right away, but it is almost impossible. That is why it is important to be patient, but also to know exactly what we want to achieve.
After some time, when you are aware of metrics such as demographics, active time, age, location, and interests of your audience, you can move on to a marketing tool that will facilitate your complete user experience.
3. Use sponsored ads

There’s nothing wrong with sponsoring content that you think will reach as large a relevant audience as possible. In fact, we really support it when one spends money for higher purposes. Of course, for this to be successful you need to have attractive and relevant content.
Before spending money, think carefully about what you want to achieve with that campaign. Is it really enough for you to gather any followers? Do you want more interactions on your profile? Is your goal to sell something? The answers to these questions will help you create the campaign with the right goal.
4. Share a true story

No matter what you want to sell, offer a true story, experience, or testimonial. In this way, empathy works in people, and thus interest in the contents. You can collaborate with influencers or put together that content yourself.
No matter what you choose, it’s important to remember that it’s the right stories that will keep followers and motivate them to share something personal about themselves.
5. Build a recognizable aesthetic

Sometimes, when you look at someone’s Instagram account, you immediately know who is behind it. Building a style, personal stamp, and aesthetic is nowadays equal to brand identity.
So, devote enough time to your content strategy, because it can easily make the line between a great profile and a boring one. So use the resources you have. There is no need for the photos to be perfect either, on the contrary, Instagram has built its popularity precisely on imperfections.
6. Take advantage of Instagram Stories

Insta Stories are a great way to interact with your audience. Thanks to gif animations, polls, quiz questions, and similar features, you motivate people to establish contact with you.
Stories are much more powerful than it seems at first glance. They can attract enough attention, but also make a border between the relevant audience and those who just accidentally found your profile.
7. Give credit to your followers

Have you heard of user-generated content? This is something you can consider a great advantage. If you frequently ask questions and motivate your followers to interact, then you can use all that for maximum exposure. Of course, you must not abuse anything your followers share with you.
The advantage of user-generated content is that it is as authentic as possible, but it always gives exposure to you and your followers. For example, when someone buys your product and tags you, it’s fair to share it on your story or make a regram and tag your users too. Sometimes it’s even crazy how quickly this method guarantees your visibility on Instagram.
Instagram is a great tool that, in addition to entertainment, also offers you the option of developing marketing for your brand or business. Take advantage of that. Don’t miss the moment, because every day there are more and more brands and businesses launching campaigns on Instagram. Be smart and use the listed strategies to achieve maximum visibility and build a brand using your profile.
Do you like these ideas? We are sure that now you know what you want and how to run your profile on Instagram. Keep in mind that it’s Meta’s product so the general Facebook rules apply here too. You only can be more creative than you can ever be on your Facebook page.