Adele, can I take pleasure in your anguish and vulnerability a little longer?! These are my immediate thoughts! Listening to this single, my mind is flooded with innumerable emotions as I continue on an ardent journey while listening to her new hit, “To Be Loved.” The song features on Adele’s latest album 30, and the album was finally released by Columbia Records and Melted Stone on 19 November 2024. Based on this single, I’m about to get my tissues ready for the rest of this inevitably heavily impassioned conquest of brokenness.
The slow, smooth and profound undertaking is raw and rebellious. What makes this track rebellious? Adele unleashes a thrashing of an astonishing amount of unashamed intimacy on this track, and on her own terms!. The personal memoir, if you like, co-written by Adele herself, pierces your soul while transporting you to, what I can only imagine, is a representation of her last couple of years off stage. Adele’s comeback is timely and so poignant, especially as she brings a piece of her reassembled heart and soul to her most admiring fans who now have a glimpse into the new version of their idol and an explanation of the ‘why?!’
Throughout the track, I had so many questions for Adele. Her strength in writing such a personal piece instead of detaching herself from reality is commendable and intriguing at the same time. Hey, we aren’t complaining and in such turbulent times, if anything, this single pushes us to reach deep within ourselves and feel regardless of circumstances.